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Mobile PPC

Mobile pay-per-click (PPC) advertising refers to the placement of PPC ads on handheld mobile devices such as smartphones, cell phones, and PDAs. As more consumers purchase high-end electronic devices that are essentially portable computers, the placement of PPC ads on such devices will present an enormous opportunity for advertisers to feature their products and services on this wider advertising platform. In fact, Google CEO Eric Schmidt stated that, in the future, "…mobile advertising will generate more revenue than advertising on today's Web ."

Currently, mobile PPC advertising is still an emerging trend. This is good news for advertisers who begin their campaigns early, since competition (and pricing) for ads and ad space can be much lower when compared with other advertising media. Another advantage to mobile PPC advertising is that it can be targeted via telephone area codes. Many consumers look for local products and services (e.g., local restaurants) when using their mobile devices; advertisers that provide relevant and local information are more likely to make a sale.

Mobile PPC ads require a different digital platform and design compared with PPC ads listed on the Web. To begin with, mobile device users have the option of using either short/silent message service (SMS) or browser-based search when finding online information. SMS is better suited to small bits of data such as stock quotes, sports scores, etc. Browser-based searches take the user to a web or search engine results page (SERP). Also, depending on the device used (smartphone versus standard mobile phone), a different coding language may need to be implemented.

The mobile PPC ad features two 18-character lines of content containing the headline and description. These lines are followed by a third line that displays the advertiser's URL or phone number. Mobile PPC ads can provide three different calls-to-action: visit the advertiser's URL, visit a browser-supplied business page, and place a phone call. Because only the first option requires the generation of a Web page, launching a mobile PPC ad campaign can be faster and simpler than generating a standard Web-based PPC ad campaign. However, because of mobile device space and resolution constraints, generating an effective mobile PPC ad campaign that results in customer interest and conversions is also more challenging.

myEcommerce's Mobile PPC Advertising Services

Mobile PPC advertising offers an exciting and new opportunity for advertisers to generate web traffic and sales. In order to help take advantage of this opportunity, myEcommerce's PPC professionals will work closely with the client to first visualize marketing goals and set advertising strategies. We will then perform all or a selection of the following services:

Mobile PPC ad creation

Mobile PPC advertising is currently available through Google AdWords and involves the creation of either a text or banner-based ad. To get started, myEcommerce will first create a Google AdWords campaign account and select the mobile ad link. Depending on the client's goals, we will next create a mobile text ad containing separate lines for the title, description, and call-to-action. This ad type is adaptable to both SMS and browser-based mobile device platforms. Because each text line can contain a maximum of only 18 characters, our skilled writers will generate ad copy that succinctly convinces customers to contact and purchase from the client. The call-to-action line will contain the client's URL, phone number, or both.

If a banner PPC ad is desired, we will generate two or more graphics ads of varying size. Banner-based PPC ads typically contain a low-resolution graphic banner that may or may not be featured in color. These ads are more amenable to users of browser-based search platforms. Our graphics media experts will refine the image, insert the user benefit and ad link, and include a noticeable call to action. Attention-grabbing features, such as vivid colors and flashing text, will be used when appropriate to gain attention and generate user response.

Landing page design

The mobile PPC ad provides three different calls-to-action. Two of these actions require little to no additional effort on the advertiser's behalf, aside from linking the ad to the AdWords Business page. The third option, however, involves the design of a Web-based landing page or other web page. In many cases, a landing page is desired to better showcase a product's features, provide customer reviews, or to explain the business's services.

A smartphone usually contains a browser capable of displaying HTML-coded pages, much like a desktop computer or laptop. Many standard mobile phones, however, contain WAP browsers that require searched content to be written in a markup language such as XHTML, WML, or CHTML. myEcommerce's programming specialists will work with Google AdWords to create Web landing pages that are compatible with current markup language displays. Our advertising experts will also analyze the client's Web-based business pages and provide suggestions for better mobile device targeting.
Keyword research
Standard PPC ads work optimally when targeted to long-tailed keywords/phrases. However, mobile device owners are presented with smaller touch keypads that encourage the use of shorter (one and two word), more generic, and even misspelled keywords. Likewise, many of the input keywords have a local intent (e.g., Tacoma pizza). Due to the different keyword/phrase search habits of mobile device users, a different keyword/phrase selection strategy must be used.

myEcommerce's keyword experts will generate several unique keyword buckets when targeting PPC ads to mobile devices. We will test these different buckets based on exact, phrase, and broad keyword matching. Several test ads will be launched and analyzed for mobile user CTR and bounce rates. Based on the results of these analyses, the best performing keyword buckets will be utilized in the creation of the mobile PPC ad text, as well as in the ad's Web-based landing page(s).
Keyword bidding
Google AdWords for mobile PPC ads does not yet feature all of the tools available for standard PPC ad campaigns. The Google Keyword Tool, A/B experiments, etc., are still limited or unavailable. Therefore, it is a challenge to optimally bid on keywords and ensure their best possible CPC rate.

Fortunately, due to the current low competition regarding mobile PPC advertising, an advertiser can usually target an ad to short-tailed and mainstream keywords without risking a high CPC. When running side-by-side Google A/B-like test campaigns, one can obtain valuable keyword data by creating a standard ad campaign and turning off selected Web-only search features.

Depending on the client's budget and sales strategy, myEcommerce will implement different analyses tools and choices to generate CPC-optimized mobile PPC ads. Several mobile PPC ads will be tested for CTR, length of visit, ranking, and repeat visits. We will also disable certain Google search features, such as its keyword targeting for search networks, which are not applicable in a mobile search campaign.
Campaign launch and tracking
After myEcommerce inputs the client's desired daily budget and maximum CPC bid, we will launch the ad campaign. We will also have the landing and/or Web page(s) go live, if applicable. We will perform keyword performance monitoring on a daily basis, using parameters such as CTR, number of ad impressions, and cost per mille (CPM). Based on these data, we may change target keywords/phrases, keyword/phrase matching, or utilize different ad group configurations. We may also implement negative keyword filters to exclude keywords/phrases that target the mobile PPC ad to irrelevant search terms or high traffic sites that result in many clicks but little or no conversions.

On a weekly basis, we will run placement performance reports to determine which PPC ad sites are generating the highest number of clicks, calls, and conversions. The number of ad impressions, cost per acquisition (CPA), profit margin, and final ROI will be assessed. For PPC ads located on sites that are generating little consumer interest, we will use Google's Site Exclusion tool to bar client ad placement on those sites in the future. Ad rank will also be determined in order to maximize the ad's impression share. Different/additional landing pages and landing page configurations may be attempted in order to reduce page bounce rates and increase traffic and sales.
Ad performance reporting and recommendations
On a quarterly basis, myEcommerce will compile sales data from the client's mobile PPC ads and generate a report on ad CTR, impressions, traffic, conversions, and ROI. We will include competitor PPC ad evaluations and budget estimations. Based on these data, we will make recommendations to the client in terms of changing ad design, bid amounts, keyword usage and/or matching, and ad groups. We will also suggest improvements to the landing page number, linking, and design, as well as to the ad campaign budget distribution. Future sales trends will be discussed, along with market factors such as seasonal demand changes, PPC ad timing over the day/week, market saturation, and customer inquiries and incidents.

Internet Marketing

Search Marketing
PPC advertising
Youtube PPC
Mobile PPC
Directory submission
Product data feed
Local search
Social Media
Media Placement
Email Marketing
Quote request

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