ArtWork for your web site
Outstanding artwork is much more critical to the success of your web site than you would suspect. Artwork engages your web site's visitors,
providing focal points that help direct them throughout the site's contents. Artwork also makes your web site more dynamic, improves the
navigation, livens up the monotony of its pages, and helps emphasize the points you are trying to make.
How do you avoid having visitors bounce from your web site, leaving it for another site after viewing just one or two of your site pages? How
do you improve the quality of a visitor's site experience, making that visitor want to come back or even refer your site to other users?
As you already know, in order to succeed in the online world, you need to drive quality traffic to your web site. You also need to motivate your visitors to not
only buy today, but to come back and buy tomorrow. If you wish to increase your web site conversion rate and improve customer loyalty, you will need to
create a well-designed site that provides an easy and uniform user experience.
When designing a web site, you need to consider the following two elements: the technical and look-and-feel. Technical components are mostly "behind the
scene". Some examples of these components are page scripting and coding, database structure, hosting configuration, and the information architecture - the
way in which the information is structured on the site.
Look and feel is the other major element of a web site, and is also the element that a web site visitor will first see and remember.
While both the technical components and the look and feel of a web site are crucial to its success, technical elements remain largely unseen by visitors. For
that reason, it is actually the look and feel of a web site that has a bigger impact on user visits, repeat visits, and conversions. After all, visitors do not know
what coding script is listed on a web page- but they do click on web site image buttons, view graphics, and watch rich media elements such as videos and web casts.
It is a real challenge to create a look and feel for a web site that is impressive, attractive, and user-friendly all at the same time. To accomplish such a task,
you need excellent art work. While the typical look and feel and navigational components of a web site are provided by such design elements as the company
logo and top banner it also includes the layout, fonts, colors, buttons, graphics, images, and CSS effects. These elements need to be designed well so that
they all work in harmony across the entire site.
Artwork includes more than just a well-designed company logo. While the company logo is one of the most important and featured graphical elements of your
company's web site, there are also other elements that should be considered. Your site's top banner, footer, background, and product symbols all make up
the required artwork of a professional web site. Ad banners, product displays, and even animations are also commonly used by commercial web sites. All of
these graphics types make up the base of a visually attractive and engaging web site.
You may choose to perform your own graphic design work and create your company's logo, banners, and skin from "scratch". However, such work is often
expensive and time-consuming, especially if you do not perform it on a daily basis. myEcommerce has both the know-how and the expertise to help you with
artwork creation on your site. Our ArtWork Team services include logo, banner, and skin design.