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SEO Features

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the art of increasing a web site's visibility in the 'organic' search engine results by improving "on-site" and "off-site" factors that affect the ranking of the web site's pages for a given set of keywords. "On-site" factors include internal parameters such as page titles. "Off-site" factors include hidden and external parameters such as one-way backlinks.

A highly visible web site ranks well in the search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific keywords. The better a web site ranks in the SERPs, the more visitors it will obtain from search engine queries. Likewise, when a web site ranks high for keywords that represent its products well, the quality of traffic is also improved, because visitors are likely to have an actual interest in what the site is attempting to sell.

At myEcommerce we know what tools and SEO techniques are important and we have engineered and integrated in our ecommerce platform all the one that can be automated.
1. Nofollow attribute management
2. Custom META Tags management (inclusion, import, export)
3. Custom ‘page Title’
4. Sitemap automatic generation

1. Nofollow attribute management

The nofollow module provides you with a very easy and user friendly interface to automatically generate the nofollow tag on any link of your site. The nofollow interface provides you with a way to apply the nofollow tag on any link containing a specific string or URL, so you can use willcard and combine settings located on different level.
When you link to questionable sites, this could have a serious impact on your site ranking. If you had any doubt about that, please read the Google's Webmaster Quality Guidelines.

In the last paragraph of the section "Quality guidelines - basic principles", it says:

“In particular, avoid links to web spammers or "bad neighborhoods" on the web, as your own ranking may be affected adversely by those links.”

A 'bad site" is a site that has been banned or penalized by search engines. How would you know if a site is considered as being in a "bad neighborhood" ? Well, there are many criteria to consider :
- Go to the site and check if there are too many links coming out the site pages.
- Do they look "spammy" to you, do they have a tons of banners on their pages?
- Do a search in google with the term "site:this_site_domain.com”, if no pages are listed of if only the home page is listed then that would be a sign that the site has been banned.
- You could use copyscape.com to see if the text showing on this site is showing on other sites.
- Youd could also check the pagerank and Alexa ranking for that site. If in addition to the above criteria list, the site has a pagerank of zero, then that would definitely be an additional suspicion.

Linking to 1 or 2 bad sites should not really affect your ranking, but why taking any risk?
If you are unsure of the validity of a specific site, you should use whatever means to tell the search engine spiders not to follow the link pointing to that site.

When you want to prevent search engines to follow or associate your site with an particular link, you could accomplish this by using the robots.txt file, by hiding these links using an onclick javascript (not recommended) or by using the nofollow attribute.

We do not recommend you to apply the nofollow tag on any links internal to your site, unless you really do not want these pages to be indexed in the search engines (e.g. all your ‘legal documents’ pages).
online demo on the Administrative Panel
Click on the link above to open a new window on the admin control panel, Log-in using the default credentials provided (admin/admin), then select option SEO/Nofollow settings

2. Custom META Tags management (inclusion, import, export)

This feature provides you with a tool to ease the management of all your META keywords and META Description tags.

Most ecommerce software provide a way to input 'keywords' and 'decription' field, but they all fail to offer multiple level of inclusion, let alone the feature of a selective import/export function.
Define and Include
This SEO feature let you define different set of META Tags (keywords, description):
- 1 set for the Home page called 'site' Meta tags.
- 1 set for Category pages.
- 1 set for Product pages.
- 1 set for Static pages.

Then it offers several level of inclusion:
- Site tags can be included (or not) into Category META Tags, Product META Tags, Static pages META Tags
- Category tags can be included (or not) into Product META Tags.

Included means that the tags will be concatenated to each other and displayed as one set.

First you decide from the main SEO setting panel if you want to include site meta tags in all pages of the site (), then you can go in each individual page and override that setting for that page only, whether it is category page (), a product page () or a static page().

For example, for a particular Product page, you could decide to inherit the site Meta tags but not the Category Meta tags to which that product belong ().
BULK change of META Tags
This SEO feature offers 2 ways to make this bulk change.

- The first way is to use the search product interface, a checkbox will let you request the update of META tags and have them displayed on one page () where you can make all changes at once. This method of change is mostly used when you only have few changes to make.

- The second way is to do an export/import. The first step is to export all META tags () into a CSV file. The second step is to update this data with the editor of your choice (e.g. Excel) and the third step is to do an import () of the updated CSV file, allowing you to make a bulk change to all your META tags using just 1 import operation.
online demo on the Administrative Panel
Click on the link above to open a new window on the admin control panel, Log-in using the default credentials provided (admin/admin), then select option SEO/Import META Tags

3. Custom ‘page Title’

The title of your page, also called the "Title tag" is probably the most significant tag and certainly the most powerful on-site SEO technique to use when optimizing for search engines.

The page title is the one that appears in the title bar of the browser window, on the task bar, on the search engine result page as the clickable headline and as the default entry in the browser’s favorites when users bookmark a site.
Every words given  in the title will be used by the search engines to compute and index rank of your page keywords.
This is why it is advised to chose your page titles very carefuly. The page title should contain the keywords that you are targeting for and also avoid your website name if that name does not contain keywords related to the page content.

At myEcommerce.biz we understand these rules very well, this is why we have developed and integrated into our ecommerce platform a tool that let you carefully customize the generation of your page titles according to your specific SEO requirements.

This tool provides 2 interfaces, one where titles are globally defined (picture above) and one that is used locally into every page where you can further refine and override the global definition.
Key features include:
- Decide globally or locally for each page title.
- Use of your own custom keywords.
- Use your own choice of delimiter.
- In local pages accept default global definition of define a custom one.
- 100% Multi-language compatibe, so you can get a different page title depending on language selected.
online demo on the Administrative Panel
Click on the link above to open a new window on the admin control panel, Log-in using the default credentials provided (admin/admin), then select option SEO/Page Titles/Format

4. Sitemap automatic generation

A site map, or a site index like some prefer to call it, is a web page that lists all (or most of) the page of your web site. The links listed on that page are typically organized in a hierarchical fashion.
This page is created to help visitor to find information on your web site, but is mostly used by search engines to help them do a complete crawl of your site.

A site map is not itself a guarantee that your site will be indexed in search engines, however if you do your SEO the right way and you have a well designed site map, then this will ensure that search engine spiders will index your whole site instead of just doing it partially.

Our ecommerce platform myEbiz provides you with a tool that will let you manage the automatic generation of such sitemap page. This sitemap will include the following sections:

- Categories and Sub-Categories.
- Manufacturers (optional).
- Informational pages (all your static pages).
- Help section pages such as "recover password", "contact us", you also have the option to disable the display of any of these help pages.
- Your Account (Login, Register, View Cart, and Checkout).

The Product pages links will not be generated on the sitemap page. Why is that ?
The reason is that if you list hundreds of products on this page, then it will quickly become useless not only for visitors but for search engines as well.
If your web site is well designed, visitors will not need to use your sitemap. As far as search engines, their spiders would not follow/crawl more than 140 or 150 links on a page, so If you list too many links, you are taking a risk that some of your site pages may not even show or be indexed at all in search engines.
The setting section for the sitemap will let you :
- Enable or disable the Manufacturer section (it was disabled in picture shown above).
- Disable the display of any of the Help section pages.
- Do an immediate Generate or Regenerate the sitemap using the "generate sitemap now" button.
- Enable or disable the automatic daily generation of that page.
The Sitemap is placed inside a static page
Although the generation of the sitemap is done via a dynamic process the content of the sitemap page is saved in a static page, so you can edit its content at any time. You could also bypass the automatic process and custom build your own sitemap.
online demo on the Administrative Panel
Click on the link above to open a new window on the admin control panel, Log-in using the default credentials provided (admin/admin), then select option SEO/Sitemap

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