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Free myEbiz Modules List

The following list of modules are all included FREE.
Advanced Order Management This module allows you to modify your customers orders after they have been placed (ordered products, gift certificates, customer information and order totals) (Learn More).
Advertising Popup banner Use this module to show a popup banner to your site visitors. This module can be real helpful to advertise new products or promotions expecially during or before a particular holiday (Learn more).
Affiliate program Provide special users ("Partners") the ability to earn commissions by directing visitors to your site from banners and/or links that they place on their websites. You pay them a percentage or a flat rate when a sale is made. All sales and commissions are carefully monitored (Learn more).
AD-Tracking Detailed statistics provided for all ad campaigns, including # of visits, # of orders, # Items purchased, #gross total, and more. All data is searchable and exportable (Learn more).
Antifraud service This module validates a customer's address during checkout and places the result of its investigation inside the order details.
Backup Entire store on 1 file This backup tool will save every single byte of data including, pictures, scripts, programs, templates, configuration files, database data and database structure into 1 single file (Learn more).
Bestsellers This module enables the gathering and display of the bestsellers list.
Create ad-coding Create a special unique code added to your PPC abd Banners ad campaign URLs that allows you  to track all visit details made using these URLs (Learn more).
Customer Reviews Allows site visitors to vote and write reviews on products.
Detailed Product Images Allows you to add detailed images for your store products.
Discount Coupons If enabled, discount coupons can be defined. These allow your customers to use coupons to get discounts when they order products from your store.
Egoods Activate this module if you wish to sell Electronically distributed products.
E-mail Marketing With the MailChimp integrated plugin you can synchronize all your mailing lists and subscribers with the world renowned email marketing platform MailChimp. Your visitors can subscribe to your MailChimp lists right from your store. (Learn more).
Estimate module Create, manage and Email estimates to your customers right from within your admin control panel. Your customers also have an estimate interface they can use to pay or cancel for an estimate (Learn more).
Extra Fields If enabled, extra fields can be added to the product table and can be updated either manually one by one or using a custom bulk import function.
Fast Lane Checkout This module provides an advanced checkout procedure for your store
Froogle/GoogleBase Automatically or manually export all your products to the Froogle/GoogleBase, Yahoo and Bing product search sites (Learn more).
Gift Certificates Activate this if you want your customers to be able to purchase Gift Certificates.
Google Analytics This module enables you to use Google Analytics system.
Greet Visitor This module greets your customer by the name when he/she returns to your site.
HTML Editor This module allows you to edit text in WYSIWYG mode.
Image Verification This module enables image validation preventing automated submissions of 'Registrations', 'Send to friend' and 'Contact us' forms.
Incentive/Bonus System Build special offers like "Buy 2 pants - Get a free shirt". Provide your customers with the ability to get free gifts, bonus points, free shipping, discounts and privileged memberships. Customers can convert online all their earned bonus points into a Gift Certificate (Learn more).
Interneka This module enables Interneka Affiliate Tracking Software support, in case you absolutely need to use that third-party software.
Manufacturers This module allows you to classify products by manufacturers
News Management This module allows you to create and manage news lists
Order Tracking This module allows you to track order shipments from UPS, USPS and FedEx postal services.
Order Status Provide all your customers whether they are Logged-in or not with an interface to get a status of their order. Customers just need to provide their last name, order # and email address and a status of their order will be displayed (Learn more).
QuickBooks This module enables you to export orders in QuickBooks format.
Return Merchandise This module allows customers to use a user friendly interface to process product returns. It not only simplifies but also automates the process of merchandise return.
Recommended Products This module enables recommended products list (auto-generated)
SEO Center This module offer a cumulative set of SEO function : 1/NoFollow attribute, 2/Custom META Tags management (inclusion, import, export), 3/Custom 'page titles' and 4/Sitemap automatic generation (Learn more).
Shipping Label Generator This module allows you to create and print shipping labels for orders that are going to be shipped by UPS and USPS.
Skin SWAP This module allows you to dynamically switch the skin used by your front-end customer area (Learn more).
Stop List This module allows you to disable the usage of your shop from specific IP addresses. Useful for protection from known sources of fraudulent orders.
Subscriptions This module enables the subscription feature for products.
UPS OnLine® Tools This module provides access to UPS OnLine® Tools.
Upselling Products This module supports creating lists of related products (products recommended to a customer)
Users online This module enables you to track the number of users online
Wholesale Trading If enabled, wholesale product prices can be defined.
Wishlist This module enables the Wish list feature for any visitor of your site whether he is a registered user or not.

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