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POPUP Banner Module

This module is used when you want your store to show a popup banner to your site visitors when they browse specific pages or any page of your store.

This could be very useful before or after a particular holiday, when you want to advertise a special promotion or when you want your visitors to learn about a special event.

A visitor comes to your site and then few seconds after ”landing” on either your home page or any other page of your site a banner pops-up up and displays a promotional message.

For example the banner below could be used to let your site visitors know about an interesting discount during the christmas holiday.

The display of this banner cannot be stopped by the browser popup blokers, it is using a particular Javascript library that allows you to display it as a banner as opposed to a “separate window”.
Banner display cannot be stopped by browser pop-up blockers.
Provide a specific list of pages on which the banner should be displayed.
Specify a wait time before the display of the banner.
Specifiy a timeout after which the banner will automatically close itself.
Specify a URL of a landing page when banner is clicked.
Specify the exact position of both the window and “[x]Close” link.
Will let you record or reset the number of clicks made to the banner.
Option to limit the display to “once” every X hours for recent visitors.
This module is included free with our ecommerce platform myEbiz, it is simple to configure and the display of the banner can be quickly disabled when you need to stop your advertising campaign.
Check the banner setup page if you need more information on how to configure a new banner display campaign.
online demo on the Administrative Panel
To check out the configuration and setup panel, click on the link above to open a new window on the admin control panel, Log-in using the default credentials provided (admin/admin), then select option Marketing/Visitor Banner.
To see how the banner would be popping up you can visit the live demo store.

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Popup Banner
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