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Social Media Marketing Services

While the benefits of SMM are many, the SMM landscape is vast. One could spend an enormous amount of time and resources on blogging, commenting, and posting on seemingly endless SM sites, yet still see little to no results. Considerable web traffic could be directed to incorrect or non-existent sites, keywords might lead to unintended SERP results, and pockets of disgruntled customers could be hidden within newsgroups. There might also be enormous traffic resulting from well placed and keyword optimized content, but without the necessary analytics software, and the right methodology, such successes could go unnoticed and unrepeated.

Because it is difficult to determine just where customers exist and which SM outlets best reach them, many companies have entrusted their SMM needs to experts such as myEcommerce. At myEcommerce, we help our clients leverage the power of SM by creating effective marketing campaigns that are optimized and tracked. These SMM campaigns drive higher web traffic, increase customer rapport and feedback, build product awareness, and generate online buzz. Our campaigns also integrate with the client's other online (and offline) marketing tactics, improving SERP rankings, PR, and customer reach.

Our full-service SM consulting process includes the following marketing campaign steps:

Goal Setting
Together with the client, we first establish the desired objectives (more page views, increased backlinks, higher sales) of the SMM campaign. Depending on which objectives are selected and how much progress has already been made towards their fulfillment, we work on a marketing strategy that takes into account such factors as time, budget, and desired ROI. These factors that will later be assessed to gauge the success of the SMM campaign regarding its end goal.
Customer Research
We research just where in the SM landscape a client's target customers and influencers are congregating, about what they are talking, and what content they are posting and sharing. This helps us plan a marketing campaign that is specifically targeted to finding and engaging only these key individuals. Such targeting saves the client considerable time and resources, because only the SM sites that are beneficial to a business's bottom line are utilized.
Strategy implementation
A unique marketing strategy is designed and implemented in order to achieve our client's SMM objectives. The strategy may include the recruitment of certain influencers and customers, creation of attention-grabbing SM profiles, and placement of linkbait-containing content on web and blog sites. It may also include specifically targeted PPC and other ads.
Content Creation
Keyword-rich quality content is created, analyzed, optimized, and posted to specific web sites, SM outlets, and influencer blog sites. The content is also submitted to feeds and article directories in order to initiate viral distribution. Content examples include blog posts, press releases, white papers, eBooks, articles, and product reviews.
Web Site Optimization
The client's web site is optimized for keywords, linkbait, formatting, and ad content. It also undergoes content analysis, and competitive review. Afterwards, the site is linked to popular SM sites such as Digg, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. In the event that the client does not yet have a web site, we build and customize a web presence from scratch, communicating its development stages through press releases, RSS posts, and other SM entries.
Online Campaign Integration
An essential part of any successful campaign is the utilization of SMM in addition to traditional advertising methods, whether they are based online or offline. myEcommerce will analyze current client SMM campaigns and suggest ways in which they may be implemented within traditional online marketing media (e-mails, newsletters, static web pages, etc.). The advantages of such implementation are improved SEO as well as SMO, along with a higher SERP ranking. Implementation of SMM into offline media (flyers, coupons, posters, etc.) carries the advantages of increased customer interest, brand awareness, and ultimately, increased sales.
Without a way to track and measure web traffic volume, visitor origin, click through rate, and other internet marketing parameters, gauging the effect of the SMM strategy is difficult. Likewise, without knowing which marketing tactics are working versus the ones that are costing sales and reducing customer interest, it is impossible to make improvements on SMM strategy. At myEcommerce, we manage a suite of applications for monitoring, assessing, and detecting customer activity on client web sites and SM outlets. After generating analysis reports, we carefully analyze how our client's SMM goals are progressing and if any changes need to be implemented.
SMM does not end when myEcommerce's initial client consulting services are concluded. Web sites evolve, new bookmarks are generated, and page views accumulate. SM outlets are especially prone to change on a weekly, daily, and even hourly basis. To this end, we offer consulting services that go beyond the initial SMM launch, extending to short- and long-term monitoring, diagnostics, and follow-up analysis.
The Bottom Line: myEcommerce SMM and Consulting
Choosing myEcommerce's SMM and consulting services saves on time, money, and frustration when dealing with the multi-faceted and often confusion landscape of social media. We specialize in streamlining and optimizing your efforts to publicize your company's name throughout various SM outlets, allowing you to focus on more important business matters. By working with us, you will witness an improvement in your company's online presence, customer relations, and most importantly, profits.

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