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How to sell electronically distributed goods like movies & software ?

Your store allows you to sell Electronically distributed goods (Egood) such as music or movies. If you want to sell Egood you first need to enable the Egood module and be ready to provide the location/path to the electronic product file.
When a product containing an Egood is sold, an email is sent to the customer after the corresponding order status is set as ‘Processed’.

Enabling and configuring the Egood module

To enable the Egood module, go to the 'modules' page by selecting the 'modules' option from the 'OTHER SETTINGS ' menu section:
then select the Egood checkbox and click on the [save] button at the bottom of the page.
Once the Egood module is enabled a 'Configure' link will be displayed. Click on that link to configure the Egood module.
The following interface will display:
The TTL field is the "Time To Live" key provided in hours. That is the number of hours that you want the special URL-key to remain valid for downloading the product. When that time/key is expired, the customer will not be able to use the link sent to him for download of the product. In that case the customer can contact you and you can use the [Prolong TTL] button located inside the corresponding order detail page to reset the TTL for another period.
The second field allows you to disable the automatic credit card billing when the shopping cart includes Egood product. You should select this option if you want to do a more careful check of the credit card when the product sold is an Electronic good. The email sent to the customer including the link to the Egood file is sent when the order status is set to ‘Processed’. If you disable the automatic credit card validation then the order will remain in the ‘Queued’ status until you change its status to ‘Processed’ and trigger that way the sending of that email with the link.

Using the Egood module

After the Egood module has been enabled and configured the product creation form and product edit page will include a new field.
This field is used to specify the path to the file to be downloaded by the customer. The file can be either uploaded and located on your host store server on the ‘<store_dir>/files’ directory or can be located on a different server. If the file is located on a different site, you will have to provide a full web address to the product file starting with ‘http://’.

When you click on the [Browse] button the store will place the file browser in your ‘<store_dir>/files’ folder. If the file is located on a different site you do not need to use the [browse] button you can just type in the file path inside the field.
SECURITY: Make sure to prevent unauthorized download of your Egood products. If your web server is using Apache, then you should use a 'Deny from all' security rule in your ‘.htaccess’ file to protect the access to your '/files' folder.


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