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How to install a file or SQL patch?

myEbiz provides an interface that allows you to apply patches. The two types of patches that you might need to apply in myEbiz are file patches and SQL patches.

Here's an explanation of how patches are applied in myEbiz.

1. Go to the Patch center

To apply any patch, you first need to go to the patch center. To get started select the option ‘Patch/Upgrade’ from the ’OTHER SETTINGS menu section:
The following interface will display:
The top interface is used for file patch and the one in the bottom is for SQL patches.

Applying file patches

IMPORTANT: Does your patch distribution (*.zip or *.tgz) contain an SQL patch (patch.sql) as well as a file patch, then start installing the SQL patch first!

Applying a file patch can be done in 3 different ways:
1.1) via the myEbiz administration interface
1.2) by issuing the unix command 'patch'
1.3) or manually by doing a direct edit of each file to be patched

1.1) To apply a patch via the myEbiz 'patch upgrade center' interface:

1. BACK UP YOUR STORE entirely, do a full backup first before applying any patch.
2. Set 'write permissions' for the files that will be patched.
3. If the patch file is on your desktop then Click the [Browse] button to locate the patch file (patch-xxxxx.diff) (otherwise provide the full URL to this file).
4. If you are going to apply a new patch, the 'Reverse' selectbox should be set to 'No'. Selecting 'Yes' will lead to the removal/rollback of the specified patch that has already been applied.
5. Click the [Apply] button - The system will load the patch file, validate all patches and display the list of files to be patched along with OK (in green) or a ”Could not patch” error message - See image below showing an example fo the results you would get after this first step.


6. IF you get a ”Could not patch” error message, please stop immediately and contact our support for furher instructions.
7. IF all files displayed have a green OK, then click again on the [APPLY] biutton.
When you click on the [Apply patch] button, this will initiate the process of applying the patch. During this process the differences contained in the *.diff files are implemented in the source code of your myEbiz.
8. A page confirmation will be displayed showing all files that have been patched.
9. Applying the patch is complete.

When applying the patch, you may get the following error messages:

checksum error - patch contents is corrupted;
non-writable - writable permission has not been given to the file, please give it writable permission;
not a file - the target is not a file;
not exists - the necessary file is missing;
could not patch - the patch cannot be applied to this file automatically, because it has been significantly
modified, the patch may need to be applied to this file manually - Only an expert should do this.

When the patch has been successfully applied, click on the Finish[button] to get back to the 'Patch/Upgrade center'
1.2) As an alternative method you can use the unix command 'patch'
1. If not in a file yet, Save the text or content of your patch to a file (e.g. patch.diff)
2. Copy this file (patch.diff) to the directory where myEbiz is installed.
3. Issue the command 'patch -C < patch.diff' to check the patch applicability.
4. If there are no errors during the check-up, apply the patch by issuing the command 'patch < patch.diff'.

For more details about this method, please refer to the unix "man patch".

1.3) The 3rd method consists in doing the patching manually
If a patch application failed using the first 2 methods, (this may be caused by redundant spaces or conversion problems) you can try to apply the patch manually.

The manual patching is done by doing a direct edit of each file to be patched.
We do not recommend using this method.
If you do want to use this method, please make sure that you know very well what you are doing.

Applying SQL patches

The 'Patch/Upgrade center' section of myEbiz also allows you to apply SQL patches to your database :

To apply an SQL patch:
1. Proceed to do a Full BACK UP YOUR STORE!
2. Save the text of your patch to a file. If you are planning to use a patch from a specific URL, skip this step.
3. Go to the 'Patch/Upgrade' center of your store section and Scroll down to the 'Apply SQL patch' form.

4. In the 'Apply SQL patch' form,  select your file by clicking on the [Browse] button. Alternatively, you can:
- enter the patch URL
- or even type the complete set of SQL query(ies) that you would like to execute in the SQL query(ies) field.

To start applying the patch, click on the [Apply] button.

Be careful as there will not be a validation step here, If valid, the SQL queries will immediately be processed and update your database.

5. The results of the patching of your database will be shown to you.
If all goes well, you will get a green message confirmation:

Patch was applied successfully

Otherwise the list of error messages will display.

If no errors occurred, click on the [Finish] button.


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