Detailed product images are additional images that you may want to show to your web site visitors. These are not the images that you input on the product creation form. The
two images from the product creation form are the thumbnail and the regular size product image. The detailed product images are input after the product has been created
and are input from a separate interface. These images can then be configured to be displayed either in the product page or on a separate window.
Enable the detailed product images
In order to input detailed product images you first need to enable the corresponding module. To do so, go to the modules page by selecting the 'modules' option on the 'OTHER SETTINGS' menu section:
then select the ‘Detailed product images’ module checkbox and click on the [save] button at the bottom of the page.
Adding detailed product images
To input detailed product images for a particular product you need to first locate this product and go into the product edit page. Once on that page click on the ‘Detailed
images’ link located in the ’In this section’ dialog box:
The detailed product image create interface will display inside a dialog box and will look like the picture below:
To add a new detailed image, click on the [browse] button located in the 'Add new detailed image' subsection. Find the image file that you want to add and then click on the
[apply] button. The interface will display a preview of the image that you selected.
The optional second step is to provide an ‘Alternative text’. This is the label that is displayed when one does a ‘mouse over’ the image. To complete the input of the
detailed image, click the [upload] button. The page will reload, display a confirmation message and then show the uploaded image as an icon with the list of all other
detailed images.
Display options
The detailed product images can be displayed either on the product page or on a separate window. To have the detailed images displayed on the product page you do not have
to set any other option. In order to have these images displayed in a separate popup window you need to configure that option. To do so, click on on the 'General
settings' option from the 'OTHER SETTINGS' menu section and then click on the ’Detailed Product Images options’ link located inside the "Modules options"
subsection. The following interface will display:
Chose the desired option and then click on the [save] button.