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How to prevent shipping to a specific state or country?

If you need to prevent the sale of your products to particular states or countries then you can configure your shipping methods to disable any area of the world.

The way to do it is to update the "destination zones" used by your shipping method to not include the states or country that you do not want to ship to.

To update your destinations zones, select that option from the "TAX & SHIPPING" menu section
Once in that page, select the destination zone name that needs to be updated to go in the corresponding edit page and then using the “<<” and “>>” buttons delete states or countries from the list displayed in the “Countries” and “States ” fields.
do not forget to click on the [save] button at the bottom of the page.
Once this is done, if a visitor provides a state or country not included in the destination zone then the checkout shipping step page will display an error message that will say:
Sorry, there are no available shipping methods for your location.
The visitor will not be able to complete the checkout process using that “restricted” address.


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