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How to define product prices for specific customers only?

Your store allows you to display different prices for registered users/customers. This enables you to use a different price structure and provide wholesale, lower or just different prices for specific privileged customers.

In order to display different product prices for specific customers you first need to create a membership group, assign the selected set of customers to that group and then create a price for that group inside the corresponding product edit page.
To create a new group and assign it to a customer refer to the first section of our previous article on creating products/category for specific customers.

Creating prices for a particular group of customers

Adding a wholesale price is an easy operation to perform. Find the product for which you want to create the wholesale price. Go in the edit page of that product and click on the 'Wholesale price’ link located on the top of the "In this section" top menu :
On the list of wholesale prices list you will see that the default price list is the standard price assigned to the group 'ALL'. The group ‘ALL’ represents all customers that have not been assigned to a particular group as well as all registered site visitors.
To add a new price for customers of the group 'Group1' for example. Add the number 1 in the quantity field and the new price in the Price field, then select the group from the membership drop down menu :
then click on the [Add/update] button. The new wholesale price will be added to the list.
After this wholesale has been added all customers belonging to the membership group 'Group1' will see the price of this product as being $25.00. Other customers and site visitors will see the price as being $27.50.

Wholesale BULK pricing

The previous wholesale price of $25.00 only requires the customer belonging to 'Group1' to buy just 1 item to beneficiate from that lower price.
If you want to motivate your customers to more discounts you can increase the quantity and change the price as well.
So, for example you can offer a price of only $20.00 instead of $25.00 if customers of that same group purchase at least 10 product items.

In order to set this new wholesale price set the quantity to 10 and the price to $20.00.
The new price of $20.00 will not be displayed on the product page, unless the customer select at least 10 items from the Quantity drop down menu. Additionally there will be a wholesale display area right below the Quantity selector:
When the customer selects more than 10 products in the Quantity drop down menu the price display will dynamically change from $25.00 to $20.00


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