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How to configure the Froogle/Yahoo/BING Product Feed export module?

The product feed module included in your store allows you to export feeds of all your products to Google, Yahoo and Bing. The configuration process is simple and the export can be set to be automatically done. The product search programs for Google and Bing are free while Yahoo (now operated by Pricegrabber.com) will charge you a fee based on clicks and other rates. In order to join or/and get more details about the Google product program you should visit the Get started Google Product Search page. To learn more and subscribe to the Yahoo/PriceGrabber product search service you should visit the Yahoo/PriceGrabber Merchant registration page. To get started with the Bing shopping program, you should visit the Bing shopping - Getting started page.

Configuring the product feed options

In order to provide all settings for your product feeds select the option 'Product FEEDS options' from the 'MARKETING ' menu section.
The following interface will display:
Understanding the configuration fields:

FTP credentials : For Goggle, Yahoo and BING you will need to provide your user account information as well as the FTP server name and FTP directory.

Currency : Only offered by Google you can provide the type of currency of the product price provided in the Feed. Yahoo and BING only accept US dollars.

HTTPS (optional) : Only offered by Google, allows you to generate links to the secure https area of your store

Payment methods (optional) : Only offered by Google. Use this field to provide a list of payment methods that your store accepts.

Additional payment instructions (optional) : Only offered by Google. Provide additional information about your payment methods.

Expiration date (optional): Only offered by Google. You need to specify here the number of days after which the products listed will not be considered up-to-date

Filename : Only offered by Google. That is the name of the CSV file that will include your product feed.

Tracking code : Optional but STRONGLY recommended. This tracking code will be added at the end for each product URL uploaded in the product feed. This will allow you to track how much traffic and business you actually get from Goggle, Yahoo or Bing product search service. This tracking code has to be created using the tracking code interface - read the ‘how-to article’ on tracking code to learn more about how to create a tracking code.

Schedule section : When the feed is 'scheduled', your store will automatically generate it and transfer/FTP it to Goggle, Yahoo or Bing.

Export and manual Upload

Your store provides you with another interface that you can use to manually generate and upload the product feed file. To use this interface select the option 'Product FEEDS' from the 'MARKETING' menu section. The manual export/upload 'Product FEEDS' interface will display:
Export button : This button is for generating the product feed CSV file. When you click on this button the CSV file will be generated and placed on your server in the '<root-dir>/files' folder.

Download button : Using this button you can download the file that was just generated with the [Export] button.

Upload button : When you click on this button the product feed CSV file will be uploaded to Goggle, Yahoo or Bing.


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