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How to configure the Popup Banner Module?

The Popup Banner Module allows you to display a banner to your site visitors. This banner can be used to announce an event or offer a promotional discount on some or all products of your store. The banner can be clickable and take the visitor to a landing page of your choice. This module is easy to configure and the banner can be quickly enabled/disabled using a simple checkbox like it is shown in the interface below.

Configuring the Popup banner options

In order to provide all settings for your popup banner select the option 'Visitor Banner' from the 'MARKETING ' menu section.
The following interface will display:
Understanding the configuration fields:

Allow banner display : This checkbox allows you to enable or disable the display of the banner.

Where to display : This section should be used to indicate where you want the banner to be displayed. The standard way is to select the “Any page” radio button, however you may want the banner to display only on the home page or for very specific pages. If you want to provide more than one page on the “Specified below Page” field then provide one URL per line (like shown on the picture above).

Delay in seconds before start : This is the number of seconds that the sytsem will wait before displaying the banner on the visitor’s browsers. It is a good habit to provide a delay >= 3 sec so the banner does not appear “RIGHT AWAY” as soon as the visitor comes to your site. This delay will not only gives time for the page to display correctly first but will also help you avoid this “jumpy” effect that you get on some site where the banner appears right away, even before the page has had time to completely download. This time should be provided in seconds.

Timeout (seconds) : This the time after which the banner will automatically close, if the visitor does not either close it using the [x]close link or click on it to go to the landing page.

Banner URL (optional) : This field is optional and is the field used to specify the URL of a landing page. If no landing page URL is provided then the banner will not be clickable.

Open link in new window : This is a field that let you specify whether or not the landing page should be opened in a new browser window.

Image : This is the image of the banner. To upload the banner click on the [Change image] button, find it on your desktop or server and then click the [Apply] button to complete the upload.

Offset : This is the location of where to display the image on your browser. The location is provided via the offset from the top and left corner of the browser.

Close Link : This is the location of where to display the [x]Close link on your banner. The location of the link is provided via the offset from the bottom and right corner of the banner. (the langage variable containing the close link value is ‘close_vbanner' ad the default value is '[x] No Thanks'). For the close link you also need to provide the color to use for its display. The value provided should be the RGB color value. (i.e: #000000 = black, #FFFFFF = white)

Don’t show again for (hours) : This is the number of hours that the system should wait before re-displaying the banner for a repeat visitor. If you provide the value 0, then the system will not wait to redisplay the banner of the pages specified on the “Where to display” field.

Counter : This is the number of time that the banner was clicked on. The [Reset] button should be used to reset that counter back to 0 when your ad campaign is finished or when you want to restart a new campaign.


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