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How to configure the custom page titles of every page in your store?

The title of your page, also called the "Title tag" is probably the most significant tag and certainly the most powerful on-site SEO technique to use when optimizing for search engines.

The page title is the one that appears in the title bar of the browser window, on the task bar, on the search engine result page as the clickable headline and as the default entry in the Favorites when users bookmark a site.

At myEcommerce.biz we understand these rules very well, this is why we have developed and integrated into your store a tool that let you carefully customize the generation of your page titles according to your specific SEO requirements.

This tool provides 2 interfaces, one where titles are globally defined, see picture below, and one that is used locally into every page where you can further refine and override the global definition.

Setting global page titles definition

Providing a global page title definition is easy. To get to the page title interface select the option 'Page Titles/Format' from the 'SEO ' menu section:
the interface shown above will display. Although 3 ‘parts’ are provided you can create your own by using the ‘custom text’ option and adding a separator in the custom text provided.
DO NOT USE’ option should be selected if the corresponding ‘Part’ of the page title will not be used.
Page title format ’ option (shown in the last line of the interface) is the format that will be used if the page title provided is empty.
When setting a global page title definition, it will apply to all corresponding pages in the section that is configured with the exception of pages where you have decided to use a local definition as explained in next section.

Setting local page titles definition

If you need to override the global page title definition and use a page title that is specific to the category, product or static page, then you can use the local page title selector. See below for an example of a local page title definition :
Make sure to select the ‘Use page title definition below’ option, otherwise the global definition will be used instead.


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