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How to configure the SEO NoFollow attributes?

The nofollow feature provides you with a very easy and user friendly interface to automatically generate the nofollow tag on any link on your site that is located at any level (home page, second level or third level). The nofollow interface provides you with a way to apply the nofollow tag on any link containing a specific string or URL. So you can use wildcard and combine settings located on different level. Please read further to understand why you should use this tag.

When you link to questionable sites, this could have a serious impact on your site ranking. If you had any doubt about that, please read the Google's Webmaster Quality Guidelines.

Linking to 1 or 2 bad sites should not really affect your ranking, but why taking any risk?
If you are unsure of the validity of a specific site, you should use whatever means to tell the search engine spider not to follow the link pointing to that site.

When you want to prevent search engine to follow or associate your site with an particular link, you could accomplish this by using the robots.txt file, by hiding these links using an onclick javascript (not recommended) or by using the nofollow tag.

We do not recommend you to apply the nofollow tag on any links internal to your site, unless you really do not want these pages to be indexed in the search engines.

Configuring the nofollow tag main panel

Configuring the nofollow tag on the main panel can help you to create a global nofollow tag rule for all pages on the site.
In order to configure the nofollow tags on the main panel select the option 'Nofollow settings' from the 'SEO ' menu section.
The following interface will display:
On this interface you need to chose the section of the web site that need to receive a nofollow tag and then create a rule.
Creating a rule is as simple as placing a link or part of a link into a nofollow include field.
If you need a nofollow tag to be inserted in all the static pages that include the link ‘page1.html’, then you would just type in the following:
The include link field also accepts part of a link. If for example you need a nofollow tag for link ‘page1.html’ and ‘page12.html’ but not for ‘page13.html’, you would do it the following way:
If you need a nofollow tag on all links, then you would select the ‘NoFollow All’ checkbox :

Configuring the nofollow tag for category, product, manufacturer or static pages

if you need to set a local nofollow rule, you can go directly into the edit page of that section and create the nofollow rule on that page. The local nofollow section is also useful when you want to reverse a global nofollow rule.


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