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How to quickly add and configure shipping rates and methods?

If your store is selling products that have to be shipped out and you do not use the real time shipping module, you will need to configure some shipping methods that your customers can choose as the delivery method. The creation of new shipping methods is relatively easy. You first need to create the ‘Shipping methods’ and then define the corresponding ‘Shipping charges’ for those methods.

Creating shipping methods

Creating the shipping methods is the first step. To proceed, you should select the option ‘Shipping methods’ from the ‘TAX & SHIPPING ’ menu section:
The following interface will display:
The top section is used to activate/deactivate real-time shipping methods. To add your own shipping method, you should type in the name of the new method in the ‘Add shipping method’ section in the first field, provide the optional delivery time, then select whether it applies to a national or international delivery. The last information to set is the weight range. From what weight to what weight will this shipping method be used :
Then click the ‘Update ‘ button. Your method will be created and added to the list of shipping methods:

Defining shipping rates

Once your shipping method created you can define the corresponding shipping rates for that method. To define these rates select the option ‘Shipping charges’ from the ‘TAX & SHIPPING’ menu section, the following interface will display:
The fields defining the charge:

Shipping method: That is the name of the Shipping method you are defining the charge for.

Zone: That field is the ‘destination zone’. You can either chose the default ‘Zone default’ or create your own destination zone. That zone defines the geographical area covered by that shipping method. The shipping module always assumes that the starting point is the company address.

Weight range: The lower and upper limit of the weight of the package being sent.

Order subtotal range: Using this field you can define several different shipping charges for the same shipping method.

Flat charge: Do you want to apply a flat charge for this shipping method when all other field value matches the value or range that you provided?

Per Item charge: This fields allows you to specify a charge that will be added for each product being sent.

Percent charge: You can use this field if you want to define your shipping charge to be a percent of the order subtotal.

Per lbs charge: You can use this field to define a shipping charge based on the weight of the product(s) being sent.

Then click the [Add] button to add this new shipping charge.
Please note that you can define several shipping charges for the same shipping method. If you need to define several Weight range or several different Order subtotal range then you can create another shipping charge for the same shipping method.
As soon as created the shipping charge will be available and offered to your customers, unless the corresponding shipping method was disabled using the ‘active’ checkbox.


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