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How to configure real-time shipping?

Your store includes a module that let you configure real-time shipping calculation with the shipping companies UPS, USPS, Canada Post, Airborne, InterShipper and Fedex. Once configured you will not need to create additional shipping methods. At checkout time, the real-time shipping module will contact the shipping company and get in real time the cost for all the shipping methods provided by this company, then your store will offer the list of methods with their costs to the customers.

The first step in configuring real time shipping is to create an account with the shipping company and then use the 'Shipping methods' page to follow the option page of that shipping company to configure the real-time module for that company.

If you configure more than one shipping company then all the shipping methods of both companies will be offered to the customers.

Enabling real-time shipping

The first step is to enable real-time shipping in the shipping options page. To proceed, select the 'Shipping options' option from the ‘TAX & SHIPPING ’ menu section:
On that page, look for the 'Real-time shipping options' section and then check the 'Enable real-time shipping calculation' checkbox:
then click the [Save] button at the bottom of the page.

Configuration for USPS, Canada Post, Airborne, InterShipper and Fedex

To configure the real-time module for all these shipping companies you first need to create an account with the shipping companies at the following web sites:

USPS. :  http://www.usps.com

Canada Post : http://www.canadapost.ca

Airborne :  http://www.airborne.com

InterShipper : http://www.intershipper.com

Fedex : http://www.fedex.com

Once the account created you need to provide it on the shipping options page ('Shipping options' option from the ‘TAX & SHIPPING ’ menu section)

Then you need to go to the shipping methods page ('Shipping methods' option from the ‘TAX & SHIPPING ’ menu section), locate the shipping company on the top of the page :

and then click on the ‘options’ link for that shipping company, then fill out and submit the form specific required informations. Once that is done the real time shipping methods for that company will be configured and available to your customers.

Configuring real-time shipping for UPS

To configure real-time shipping for UPS you first need to create a UPS account at http://www.ups.com

Once the account created you will need to enable the ‘UPS OnLine® Tools’ module (go to the ‘modules’ page  by selecting the ‘modules’ option from the ‘OTHER SETTINGS’ menu option).

Once the UPS module enabled, select the option ‘UPS OnLine® Tools’ from the ‘TAX & SHIPPING ’ menu section, the following interface will display:
Make sure to have your UPS account ready and then click on the [Register] button and follow the configuration steps. At the end of the process the UPS real-time shipping shipping methods will be configured and available to your customers.


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