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How to easily add a new static HTML page to your store?

If you need to, you can add your own HTML pages to your store. The static page interface let you easily insert these pages inside your site.

There are two different kind of static pages: root and embedded.

The embedded pages will be displayed within the central section of your site design. The "root" type pages are independent and will not inherit any of your site design components. They will be located in the "root" directory of your site.
Both pages type can be temporarily hidden if needed. The name and links to embedded pages will be included in your help section.

Step1: Go to the static page interface

To add a new HTML page, go to the ’CONTENT MANAGEMENT’ menu section and select the “Static pages” option

Step2: Create the page: name your page

Chose the type of static page and then click the [add new] button. The page creation interface will display. The page name is the first field that needs to be set. You need to provide the name of the file (e.g.: page1.html) and also the name of the page as it will be displayed on the browser’s web address bar. That is the “Clean URL” field. The field “Page name” will be used in page title as well as on the “Bread crumb” line.

Step3: Page title

The page title can be customized for that page or use the default one that is set for all static pages.

Step4: Add the content of your page

The content of your page can be either HTML or plain text. It can also be provided here using the “page content” field or be uploaded/published with your HTML editor. You need to make sure to upload it to the path indicated by the “Page file” field.

Step5: Meta Tags

The META Tags fields that can be set here are the “META Description” and “META Keywords” if you need other META Tags to be added, then you can add them manually inside your HTML code or have our support team add them to your site templates if it is needed on all pages.

Step6: Nofollow tag

The static page interface also provides the Nofollow attributes field to set local nofollow attributes. If you need to set a general nofollow rule then select the “Nofollow settings” option from the SEO menu section.

Step7: Position

The position field is the position of the static page name in the list of all other static pages. This field has of course no influence on the content of the page.

Step8: Parent page

The “Parent” page can be considered as the “source page” of the actual page that you are creating. The parent page of the page that you are reading now is the HOW-TO page. The parent field is used to specify that page. You specify that parent page if you want it to appear in the “Bread Crumb” line right before this static page name. It allows you to improve the site navigation by providing an additional link/reference to the visitor. If you select “Home” as the page parent then no additional links will be added on the BreadCrumb line.


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