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How to add a new product?

Before a product can be added you need to have created at least one category. This is the only prerequisite to the addition of new products.

Products can be added to your store in three different ways, either manually or by cloning an existing product or by using the import (from a CSV file) function.
This page explains how you can manually add a new product.

Step1: adding a new product

To start the product creation process simply select the "Add new product" option from the ’PRODUCTS ’ menu section.
For a quick product addition: if you need to make a quick addition of a product and come back later to add the details, you have to provide a value for 3 mandatory fields which are the “product name”, its “Clean URL” and the “short product description” field. Then click on the [save] button at the bottom of the page and you’re done.

After your product is created you can start adding and refining the details of its specification. There are 4 main product details section, the Product thumbnail, the product classification, the SEO section and then the Details section.

Step2: The product Thumbnail

This thumbnail section let you to choose two images that will be used to represent the product on the storefront: the thumbnail and the product image. The thumbnail is the the small image that is displayed close to the product title when displayed along with some other products on the same page (category product list or featured product list). The product image is supposed to a be a "bigger" image and is displayed in the product detail page.

To upload/update an image click the [change image] button, browse your local computer, host server or web site to find the location of the image, select the image file and then click the [apply] button.

Step3: Product classification

This section let you define the category to which the product belongs, the manufacturer and the product availability. The product has to belong to at least one category. You can assign it to additional subcategories. This can help the product to be found in multiple places in your store.

Providing a manufacturer is optional however remember that it can help visitors to find your product using the manufacturer name from the advanced product search interface or from the manufacturer menu if you enable the manufacturer module.

The product availability allows you to hide or show the product on your site. The option "Hidden but available for sale" allow you to hide it but still have it available for people who would know the exact URL of that product.

Step4: Product SEO section

The SEO section for the product allows you to set the META tags and the page title.
The META Tags fields that can be set here are the "META Description" and "META keywords".

The page title can be customized for that product or use the default one that is set for all product pages. To do so please go to the main SEO page title section (option “Page titles” from the SEO menu section).

Step5: Product description

The "Short description" field is required and will be used when the product is displayed in a list(e.g.: Category product list, featured product list) or in the shopping cart page. The "Detailed description" will be used in the product detail page unless it is empty. In that case the short description will be used.

Please note that both fields support HTML coding and formatting.

Step6: Nofollow tag

The product creation page also provides the Nofollow attributes field to set local nofollow attributes. If you need to set a general nofollow rule then select the “Nofollow settings” option from the SEO menu section.

Step7: Product Price, Tax, Shipping, Stock and Membership

This last section is part of your product details as well.
Price: This is the base price of your product. It should be provided using the store's primary currency.

List price: This price is supposed to be an average of the price of the product as it can be found on the market. If that price is higher than the base price, then it will be crosses out and displayed next to the base price. There will also be a an additional note displayed that will tell the visitor how many percent he would save.

Quantity in stock: This field represents the number of products that you have in stock. Each time this product is ordered the amount of that field is decreased. When the quantity in stock reaches zero (0), the message "out of stock" will be displayed and visitors will not be able to add that product to their cart. The store admin can also configure its store setting so the product will not even display when its quantity in stock is zero.

Low limit in stock: This is the threshold value that will be used by the inventory module to send the store admin a notification as soon as the quantity in stock reaches that value.

Min order quantity: This is the smallest number of items that can be ordered. If the value specified here is greater than 1 then an additional note will also be displayed below the product description to provide the minimal number of items that have to be ordered.

Weight: This is the weight for one product item. It should be specified using the weight unit you provided in the section: Other setting/General settings/General options/General parameters.

Product return time (days): This is the maximum number of days that a customer has to create an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) if the customer wants to return the product ordered. When expired, the "Create return" link will not be available.

Membership: This field let you limit the access to this product based on the customer's membership level. If you want this product to be available to everyone then select the "ALL" value.

Tax exempt: This field let you to decide if you want to apply a tax for that product. Also when a tax is defined in your tax settings page then an additional field will be available to select the tax that you want to apply to that product.

Free shipping: Do you want the shipping for this product to be free?

Shipping freight ($): This field let you specify the amount of money the customer may have to pay for additional expenses related to storage, insurance or extra shipping handling such as packaging or station docking.

Apply global discounts: Do you want to apply the “global discounts” defined to this product as well?

Additional fields?

If you need additional fields to be defined and added to each products, such as the ISBN number then you can use the extra-field module to add these fields. You can enable the extra-field module form the modules page (click on the 'modules' option from the "Other settings" menu section).

Once added, the extra-fields will appear on the bottom of the product creation page as well as on the search product interface.


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