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Data Feed Management Services

In order to reap the rewards of shopping engine product listing, data feeds must be optimized for keywords, content, formatting, etc. Likewise, product data feeds must be continually updated and analyzed for consumer traffic, sales, and conversion rates. While merchants may perform any or all of these tasks on their own, optimal results may be achieved only after considerable trial-by-error. To this end, myEcommerce offers merchants the expertise and experience of CSE optimization, helping them achieve optimal return on investment (ROI) in a minimal amount of time.

Sales strategy and goals

myEcommerce will assess client needs by first examining the client's current CSE utilization (if applicable). Desired CSE submissions and ROI goals will then be discussed. Product listing objectives will be set, and basic product descriptions, referral URLs, landing pages, and sales/promotions will be explored. A budget will be established for product listing submissions to any CSE that operates via flat rate referral or PPC fee format. Also, if the client is currently running any PPC campaigns, myEcommerce will integrate CSE product listings into those campaigns.

Keyword research and testing

Appropriate keywords and key phrases will be created for client brand names and products using online tools such as the Google AdWords keyword tool. myEcommerce will also generate keyword ideas by analyzing which search terms are being used to locate the client's web site and/or CSE- listed products. Keywords will be input into the search window of each candidate CSE in order to generate sample product results. These results will be analyzed for relatedness to client brand names, products, and services.

Keyword integration

Product data feeds will be populated with select keywords and key phrases. Keywords will be integrated into product titles, descriptions, and image files. A/B experiments may be generated, with each experiment using different keyword sets to determine which set results in better product placement on the CSERP.

If product listings are intended for submission through auction-style PPC campaigns, myEcommerce will locate and integrate long-tail key phrases that command a lower than average PPC. Long-tail key phrases are typically input by highly motivated consumers intending to purchase very specific products or services, rather than by consumers who are "just looking".

Product data feed generation

Unique product data feeds will be generated using either delimited text or XML format. Either format will be created with individual CSE submission requirements in mind, such as title length, product description, client web site page links, etc. Text or XML format will be tested using feed automation script to ensure that product listing uploads contain no issues with script display, functionality, images, links, etc. Finally, product listings will be optimized for CSE relevancy algorithms in order to achieve better ranking on the CSERP. Once the product data feeds are generated and optimized, they will be submitted to individual shopping search engines.

Verification and optimization

After the product data feeds have been submitted to the respective shopping engines, myEcommerce will verify that the listings are indexed and displayed correctly. Product listing ranks will be analyzed, and different data feed submissions and keyword lists may be used in order to improve CSERP. Categories under which product listings are displayed will be tracked to determine if some categories are more popular than others.

Because most shopping engines require regular product feed updating in order for the feed to not be dropped, myEcommerce will regularly update and optimize all submitted product feeds.
Reporting and analysis
Product listing consumer visits, length of visits, bounce rates, conversions, sales, product returns, etc. will be tracked and analyzed. myEcommerce may attempt to list similar products in different CSE categories (sub-categories) to determine which category (sub-category) is more profitable. Flat-rate referral versus auction-style PPC listing fees may also be re-examined. Conversion of product listing formats from text to XML may be attempted if there is a need to include more product information, graphics, functions, etc.

Clients will be provided with performance reports every two weeks. myEcommerce will note and discuss CSE performance, product listings and rank, and ROI. myEcommerce will also outline any new/altered campaign strategies.
ROI Improvement and Advice
Depending on the client's CSE campaign goals and budget, product listings may be analyzed over the long-term on parameters such as consumer visits, length of visits, conversions, etc. Seasonal and holiday trends may also be examined. Based on such data, myEcommerce can generate current ROI reports and provide predictions on future sales growth and earnings. myEcommerce may also provide ROI improvement advice, including suggestions for different CSE submissions, product listings and/or keywords, fee structures, product web or landing pages, etc.

Internet Marketing

Search Marketing
PPC advertising
Directory submission
Product data feed
Local search
Social Media
Media Placement
Email Marketing
Quote request

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