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Elton John - Songs From The West Coast

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CD Audio Elton John - Songs From The West Coast 
Songs From The West Coast rests on the strong foundation of piano driven melodies, Elton?s smooth vocals and Taupin`s romantic lyrics.
The highlight of the album is ?I Want Love,? a drawn out track, with its visually striking video of Robert Downing Jr. lip syncing,
I want love - just a different kind/ I want a love that won't break me down, won't brick me up, won't fence me in,? as Elton sings in confessional tone to a truly heartbreaking lyric.
Being the original sugar daddy, Elton doesn?t shy away from sappy lyrics. ?Ballad Of The Boy In The Red Shoes,? is a sad song about a boy who dies of Aids and ?American Triangle,? laments the gay bashing murder of a boy from Wyoming.

I found myself grooving to the mellow, ?Original Sin,? in which Elton passionately sings, ?And tell me why, I shudder inside, everytime we begin/ this dangerous game/ oh you were always my original sin?.
Then I thought, O my God he might be singing this to his partner David Furnish; I know its silly but it made me feel weird (so sue me).

Birds,? takes a flight from ballad and soars to an upbeat mood while a rousing chorus and backing vocals dominate the blues tinged gospel, ?Wasteland?. ?Dark Diamond,? is given vibrancy by Stevie Wonders on the harmonica and clavinet.

There are no instantly catchy, infectious tracks on this album, nothing that will grab your attention in a nanosecond. Don't expect any "Nikita's", "Sacrifice's" etc, but be prepared for patient listening.
Sir Elton John?s (yes he was knighted) latest album is vintage Elton all the way. A must for fans and those who absolutely love mellow music.


Quantity in stock 100 item(s) available
Weight 1.00 lbs
Condition new
Availability in stock
Price: $100.00 (€ 80.00)



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